Bill Bennett




: Will the bad news never cease?…

: I mean, yeah, it’s bad, but get a grip, it’s not like blowing up the Rainbow …

: I have a theory that Terry Pratchett was personally responsible for the revival of the Flat Earth …

: Lost the gizmo that allows us to mount phones on the car dashboard using the air vent. Local …

: I left the People’s Republic of Twitter 18 months ago and didn’t realise that the …

: Found a peculiar thing about the way social media picks up metadata from my Ghost-hosted website. …

: In a ideal world I’d be able to shut off all communications links to the United States until …

: Dear small business owner. Using Instagram as your ONLY online presence means you are dead to those …

: I’m sure you know exactly how it works for a journalist: diary empty two weeks, a few things a week …

: Why on Earth is there a Yellow Pages in 2024? Can there really be a viable business model for …

: More than a decade ago we opted out of getting the Yellow Pages. I found the communication recently …

: If I worked in a public relations agency, I’d quickly become depressed about the constant need to …

: In crude political terms the American Democrat versus Republican election system feels like a choice …

: Social media is quite boring right now now for those of us who are not obsessed with American …

: THat thing where you put something in a safe place, that is so safe you can’t find it again.

: I’ve been turning down requests to go on radio or TV talking about the Crowdstrike outage …

: This is the oldest front page lead story in my clippings portfolio, from 1979, 45 years ago on the …

: ChatGPT flatters to deceive From the ubiquitous AI: “Bill Bennett, a prominent New Zealand technology journalist, has …

: I’m always up for this kind of news story:…

: Perhaps the second greatest incentive to a healthy lifestyle is that by not having to visit …

: Hmmm. Maybe they are Quattro Pro spreadsheets… One of them has a line item that mentions …

: Have figured out that a couple of the hard to open “Unix Executable files” are ancient …

: Found some ancient documents on an old drive that go back to the 1990s… a few are from the …

: Looking forward to the Euro football final which will been on during Monday’s breakfast time here in …

: After two football matches the UK media view of Gareth Southgate has gone from “is there a …

: Started composing a whinge about an annoying Microsoft Word flaw, but realise I have written the …

: The England woman’s football team is ranked 2 in the world. The men’s team is ranked 5 and clearly …

: Looking at the AI industrial revolution and wondering what would be the 21st century equivalent of …

: This might upset my American friends, but watching from afar, US politics reminds me of when I was …

: Had one of those rare moments of clarity while driving this afternoon and realised there is a link …

: What a shame he is an Arsenal supporter.…

: Today feels like it was the first time since 1966 when England’s football team had an important …

: Realised that it is now exactly 50 years since, as a teenager, I saw AC/DC play at my local city. …

: It turns out those WordPress 2fa back-up codes I carefully stored on my computer back in 2017 don’t …

: Have just found an archived copy of the book I co-wrote in 1982: Usborne guide to understanding the …

: Travelling in Auckland’s rush hour There’s a curious anomaly with Apple Maps and Google Maps that took me a while to understand. I live …

: Since May, Google has been removing a few of my web pages from its index every week. It seems …

: Memo to self: Clean out browser cookies more often.

: I had almost completely forgotten about this other story from 10 years ago: The oddball Blackberry …

: Vive la France

: Three of the semifinalists in the Euro 2024 tournament limped into the round. None of them have …

: Please don’t use the term “reach out” unless you are a member of the Four Tops. In …

: Minor cognitive dissonance as brain switches between early Saturday and Sunday morning Euros …

: You know what’s worse than a penalty shootout? A penalty shootout before breakfast. Before even the …

: The thing I learned this week. It is much harder to close down a solvent, but not longer needed, …

: After five years of, brilliantly, NOT losing the better quality sunglasses I invested in, a feat …

: The Guardian: “Analysis by the Sutton Trust suggests that Keir Starmer’s cabinet will have the …

: The next job for the United Kingdom is to fix the electoral system. First past the post worked where …

: This looks like an interesting idea, short form audio blogging… no more than two minutes each …

: I was on RNZ this morning talking technology… you can listen online …

: I doubt the whole idea of Inbox Zero is mentally healthy.

: I watched at least part of every Euro2024 round of 16 knockout games, in most cases the entire game. …

: The eight round of 16 games at the Euro tournament have all been a bit lacklustre, there were …

: I hate the way Linkedin has a whiff of a religious cult about it. But since Twitter went down the …

: I’m old enough to remember solving maths problems where π was 22/7.

: Wild Wheat’s Kawakawa Sour Dough bread is the best commercial bread I’ve ever tasted. …

: Something is going on with Google un-indexing pages on my site. Six weeks ago there were zero …

: Has anyone else noticed that if you ask Stable Diffusion to produce a “low poly” …

: Every Who down in Whoville liked Matariki a lot, but the Red Dwarf hologram did not

: Whoever said “a servant cannot serve two masters” clearly never lived in a house with a …

: On AI art and Stable Diffusion in particular There’s something wrong with a world where one needs to use the words “no nudity” …

: From ten years ago on my site, when the Productivity Commission came out in favour of government …

: Sitting at the computer while waiting for Stable Diffusion to do its thing is the new “a …

: Currently reading a jaunty customer newsletter from a digital service I subscribe to and realised I …

: I found my self singing The Ramones “I want to be sedated” on the way to having my wisdom teeth …

: When I first got my third generation iPad Pro five years ago it was way, way overpowered for every …

: Forgot all about this… it hit the spot.

: My last vestiges of Englishness are my accent, watching the football team being not quite good …

: One of my enduring memories of a wonderful break in Dunedin was eating the most beautiful fish …

: Back home from having my wisdom teeth. Removed and catching up on missed Euro 24 games while waiting …

: In hindsight I was never angry enough to be a Twitter notable. Totally relaxed with that.

: Watching the Euro 2024 game between Portugal and the Czech Republic on The TVNZ iPad app. The app …

: This is why New Zealand always needed more than The Southern Cross cable network. And could still do …

: Realised today that the small stash of banknotes and coins I keep for buying strawberries, cherries …

: Any fool can write a good press release that hits its target audience and creates an impact. Writing …

: A two minute read on how to get the best technology case studies…

: In the past 5 years two local businesses I loved closed their doors after the landlord increased …

: Historically this has been one of the most read posts on my website, Google Search Console says it …

: As a nod towards the early, glory, days of the internet, I’ve decided to reinstate the Blog …

: Do you think anyone in New Zealand would buy a Cybertruck if they could? (I asked the same question …

: I was hoping the news industry would see me out until retirement. That ambition is not looking too …

: New Zealand’s overlooked billion-dollar industry From my story in the NZ Herald: “New Zealand’s financial technology sector is booming. Over …

: In my capacity as a journalist writing about business and technology I get a lot of press releases …

: I have seen so many terrifying stories about airplane travel in the past couple of weeks that I …

: This eight year old post may amuse you: When a computer goes bad it’s a cyber

: Stable Diffusion's seamy side Ailments left me with time on my hands this week so I dived deeper into Stable Diffusion, I …

: Being tortured as a business model One of the most disappointing recent technology trends is, that for many modern apps, the only …

: This story on my site, from 2008, might finally be out of date:…

: Dear anyone online. If I’m unsubscribing from whatever spam you are sending me you can cut the …

: Even after 60 years of watching football I humbly recognise I couldn’t do a better job than …

: Checking if all those cross posting fediverse things are working as they should. Please ignore this.

: For reasons that I don’t need to bore anyone with, Saturday got off to an extremely slow start. By …

: I think in all my years of dealing with some awful documentation, Western Digital’s MyCloud …

: Deconstructed Breakfast Burrito: Here’s my go-too recipe when you need a filling, high protein breakfast but don’t have a …

: The political right use the term ‘woke’ in the way that communists would use the word …

: Should change the Orwellian supermarket’s name to New World Order… I

: Apple Music’s categorisation of my library is a wild ride….

: It turns out having my Shingles vaccine at the same time as the Tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping …

: Politicians’ salaries should be index linked by law to ordinary people’s income levels. It can be …

: I never respond to Linkedin connect requests from people I have never heard of because, as we say in …

: I’m surprised at how many people complain about daylight saving. Don’t remember it being …

: End of daylight saving has played havoc with my appetite. It’s like jet lag, I didn’t …

: “Atmospheric river” will be the title of my next album.

: Proof Google Search Console is just plain weird Overnight Google sent an email: Search Console has identified that some pages on your site are not …

: Parts of the internet are now badly broken Every month I open up the excellent Integrity app on my MacBook. It crawls my main, work-related …

: Conversation: “Tell me somethihng few people know about you”. “I am New …

: Had a roll mop herring for breakfast. My wife thinks I’m odd. but to me this is breakfast of …

: It’s not normally a wrench when a review period comes to an end and I pack the hardware to …

: Was on RNZ Nine to Noon this morning talking about why making tech giants pay media companies is …

: My grandmother’s name was Edith, but on Sundays it was Mary. I never knew if that was some …

: If I lived in Alaska I could be working from Nome.

: Had a press release today about the fancy communications technology being used on the driverless …

: There are pages on my web site that Google Search console still marks as 404 pages more than 15 …

: My plan is to wrap up my limited company and switch to working as a sole trader by the end of this …

: Watching the Carabao Cup Final in New Zealand Chelsea play Liverpool in the Carabano Cup Final early on Monday morning New Zealand time. The game …

: I’m no longer the only family member withh a regular writing gig: …

: Crash from the past Went to a company website to see its annual result. Clicked on the link, which took me to Microsoft …

: Mastodon and BlueSky go a long way to replacing Twitter. For now it looks like journalists would be …

: Have done the preparation for tomorrow’s technology slot on RNZ Nine to Noon. If you are in …

: If I buy something then get bombarded by pleading messages for positive online reviews then …

: My new driving licence photograph makes me look like I should be doing 12 years for armed robbery.

: Things have reached the point where it feels like it is easier to find and watch Australian cricket …

: I won’t be watching tonight’s Wolves - Chelsea football match live, but will probably …

: The newsletter sent out on Friday December 23 has, so far, had 3 per cent fewer openings than the …

: Have spent the morning writing to various websites, especially online forums, requesting they do a …

: My other site's web statistics For a while I was concerned at the drop in page read numbers when I switched from WordPress’s …

: My all time favourite piece of technology is the Bialetti stove top espresso pot. No question. After …

: Soon I will be extending my 65th years in a row streak of not going to Boxing Day sales.

: In praise of text editors As a freelance journalist (and occasional business writer) I have clients who insist on Microsoft …

: It is only a matter of time before Elon Musk comes to a sticky end when James Bond enters his secret …

: Just realised that the scheduled phone call I came in from doing gardening work to handle is, in …

: Boffins confirm what most of us already knew, that video conferencing is draining. …

: Do people who are concerned about the woke mind virus use masks if they go somewhere potentially …

: I’m not a coding kind of person, but I can’t stress enough how my computing experience …

: One of my proudest achievements is never, ever having worn a bow tie.

: One argument against New Zealand moving to four year parliaments is that there is no second chamber. …

: I wonder how many New Zealanders have got the government they wanted? I don’t mean the folk …

: I’ve been using Bluesky for three whole days now and no-one has given me a Mastodon-style …

: Is it me being fussy or do other people think that news media, including specialist tech news media, …

: Hmm. Just realised if I type BS into my browser address bar, I get Bluesky.

: Bennett's hierarchy of freelancing Poorly defined, open-ended non paying gigs* from difficult clients. Poorly defined, open-ended non …

: If you are interested in my take on the Optus outage that brought much of Australia to a grinding …

: Hear me on the New Zealand Tech Podcast I’m on the New Zealand Tech Podcast with Paul Spain.… …

: My work goes crazy about this time of year as everyone in New Zealand races to get things finished …

: Optus outage: company reveals what caused last week’s failure

: I’m on a gigabit fibre connection. I can download a HD movie in the time it takes to pour a …

: Friday’s newsletter went out a little later than usual, which meant it got lfewer immediate …

: Is the internet really broken? Blogger and recovering journalist Elizabeth Tai writes about the state of Google Search and how that …

: Sustainable Business and Finance in the NZ Herald Over the last decade I’ve written more than 300 features for the NZ Herald’s business …

: Today’s newsletter includes a short editorial suggesting that a new Provincial Growth Fund …

: Gabor Cselle writes about the lessons from Twitter alternative T2-Pebble not making it. …

: While most of us are aware of Betteridge’s law of headlines, I think there is a subset of cases …

: Apologies to any social media folk who think I may have paid too little attention to your online, …

: Jumped out of my skin at 8am when my loud ring tone blasted sound through the house. It was an …

: A jolly good show:…

: In the populated parts of New Zealand you are never too far away from someone selling decent quality …

: Wondered why I wasn’t getting responses to posts from my phone. Turns out it I was …

: One of the most New Zealand things I can think of is how people say hello to a driver when they get …

: Was up early today. First to watch Chelsea get beaten in the English Premier League, then to watch …

: Twitter's decline and fool Last week I wrote this about the state of Twitter a year after it changed hands: …

: I love how the best pie or best sausage roll awards are considered front page stories in New Zealand …

: I subscribe to the New Zealand Herald (I also freelance for the Herald) Of course I’m OK with …

: Humans in Australia and New Zealand can hear I have a British accent. After almost 40 years living …

: NY Times attempted Internet Archive block This is bad journalism practice. Not good for media transparency. The New York Times tried to block …

: Hear me on RNZ Nine-to-Noon Bill Bennett joins Kathryn to talk about how Twitter has changed in the year since Elon Musk’s …

: Farewell Pebble I’m sad, but not surprised to see Pebble has pulled the plug on its Twitter alternative. The …

: Here we go again with another cyclone potentially heading towards northern New Zealand. Thankfully …

: Where is Roadrunner?…

: Modern etiquette question. How rude is it if I never answer those damn customer service surveys? I …

: Trying to figure out if all the Federation development that’s been going on recently means I …

: Unnecessary journalism phrases The website hasn’t been updated in over a decade, yet there is still value in Unnecessary …

: Trolling, dumb-arsed headline questions I’m not one for new year resolutions, but IF I had one it would be to not write trolling, dumb-arsed …

: Fascinating.…

: On reaching my digital subscription limit This week I had a couple of emails from Sky TV telling me the payment for Sky Sport Now has not gone …

: Last Christmas Jo and I were given annual passes for Auckland Zoo that come with a photo ID and …

: Was confused by all the Thanksgiving posts I can see on until I realised that Canada has …

: The bad times are back For a decade I didn’t have a single bad debt for my freelance journalism and writing business. …

: Memo to self and anyone else who uses Apple kit: Hang on to that USB to Lightning connector because …

: It could explain a lot if it turns out that Elon Musk has been testing his brain implant technology …

: Apple Watch has “complications”. These are the last things I want in my life. Looking …

: The end of an era My last story on NZBusiness magazine.… There will be an online …

: Go ahead, end a sentence with a preposition Your school may have taught you not to end a sentence with a preposition. This is a hangover from …

: It’s old, but I love this cartoon:

: “Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third …

: Went to the Ever Present: First Peoples Art of Australia exhibition at Auckland Art Gallery today. …

: Google as a verb Google is one of a rare breed of companies that has moved into everyday language as a verb. There …

: There would be a place in Ben Werdmuller’s otherwise excellent Publishers on social media are …

: Google Search Console sets impossibly high bar Google Search Console sets an impossibly high bar for its “Redirect Error” test. …

: This would be a fascinating story to read, until you get to “Macalister was not willing to reveal …

: Seven things I’ve learnt about blogging You don’t need fancy software to blog. Free hosting services, like can as good as or …

: In the latest Download Weekly newsletter: Vodafone FibreX party leaves One NZ with $3.7 million …

: I’m not vegan or vegetarian. In general I don’t eat pizza or hamburgers and have never …

: Was up at six AM on one of the coldest mornings of the Auckland winter to watch the opening game of …

: I am both impressed and intimidated by Logic Pro on the iPad. It’s everything I wanted, but it …

: Community hunts for origins and installer of mysterious metal pole… …

: After Twitter There are plenty of post-Twitter alternatives to choose from. Each of the active ones has its own …

: The four most dangerous words in investing are: It’s different this time. Sir John Templeton, …

: So glad I didn’t sign the non-disclosure form and agree to the media embargo on a boring yet …

: Structure your writing like a journalist Newspapers teach journalists to write using the inverted pyramid. It isn’t always the best approach, …

: Use be verbs sparingly If you want to make your writing clearer and more interesting, use ‘be’ verbs sparingly. …

: Make the active voice your first choice The active voice is usually better than the passive voice because it is direct. This makes it easier …

: Why short words are the best words Winston Churchill said: “Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of …

: Let concrete nouns pin down your writing Good writing is direct, clear and precise. It gives readers direct insight into your thoughts and …

: Can you start sentence with “And”? At school we were taught never to start sentences with “And”. And yet newspaper journalists do it …

: Tech: Rural divide in comms, law firm hack, Reddit goes bonkers Last week’s RNZ technology slot: Technology correspondent Bill Bennett joins Kathryn to talk …

: The term “content” is a barbarism that bit by bit devalues what journalists do. Jay Rosen, Chair of …

: Short, snappy writing works best online. Snappy writing works best online First, people are less ready to read long pieces online than short …

: A Mac user's guide to word processors and other writing apps Mac owners have a wide range of great writing apps to choose from. Here’s how to find the one …

: 2023 Ashes series Wasn’t sure about staying up late last night, getting up early this morning to watch the …

: Cold comfort for journalists The life of the journalist is poor, nasty, brutish and short. So is his …

: Companies, especially tech companies, will spend time and money on press releases that are …

: Twitter’s move to make third parties pay heaps for API access isn’t going to make me use …

: Ten years ago Apple made a significant battery life breakthrough with a MacBook Air that could run …

: Today’s Download Weekly newsletter looks at the impact Apple’s spatial computing is …

: Getting found online As an experiment I submitted the URL for the latest post on my business blog …

: Poppy thinks my right hand is a pillow. I’m fine with that so long as I’m not on a deadline.

: Guidelines for writing better headlines Short – cram the maximum amount of meaning into the minimum number of words. There’s no strict guide …

: If you want to buy a fancy phone, the two best options at the moment are Apple’s iPhone 14 Pro Max …

: The Mobile to satellite communications – update blog post was missing its embedded table. Fixed that …

: Spent some time this morning tinkering with my theme (Kiko) to increase the contrast, …

: Go easy on adjectives As old school journalists, we were taught to write mainly with nouns and verbs. Editors let us use …

: Exclamation marks: Caution! Exclamation marks have almost no place in serious writing. Tabloid journalists use them in …

: Jargon doesn’t make you look smarter Jargon makes it easier to write about technology. Technical ideas can be quicker and easier to …

: Apple AirPods Pro second-gen: Familiar looks, better all-round They may look the same, but Apple’s …

: The data breach fallacy:…

: The longer a company’s code of ethics, the more likely it is run by sleazeballs he No Asshole Rule …

: Murder your darlings “Whenever you feel an impulse to perpetrate a piece of exceptionally fine writing, obey it — …

: My smart and insightful observation that there is a similar vibe between the dumb billionaire …

: This time last year I wrote about upgrading to Wi-FI 6. It’s a good move, but only worth doing if …

: When I was in my first term at university a friend who lived a couple of doors away in my halls …

: I’m giving the T2 Twitter alternative a test drive. It’s early days… I’m …

: I get phishing attempts every day. This one is unusual and, I think, quite specific. I have no idea …

: Can anyone please point me at other journalists who are on

: My other website ranks higher: @JohnPhilpin

: This week we had dinner at a hotpot restaurant on Dominion Road and I realised this is the Chinese …

: It turns out my other website is part of the content used to train Google’s …

: Phishing, vishing, smishing and beyond Phishing, vishing, smishing and beyond is a story I wrote for NZBusiness about the most common form …

: There’s this thing about being a New Zealander that feels strange to someone like me who …

: Someone should write an alternative reality novel where Google didn’t close Google+.

: I’m certain our female cat, Poppy, has stopped trusting me after I sold her down the river to …

: Hot Cross Buns Auckland 2023 By accident more than design I managed to sample a wide variety of Hot Cross Buns from Auckland …

: Impressed by Simone Silvestroni’s De-brand blog post. It covers some of the things I’ve …

: If you have to ask a customer to leave a review on one of the big sites about your product or …

: The rising tide of access forbidden errors Earlier this week I wrote about linkrot. This post missed a similar annoying trend. Today’s link …

: At least three quarters of the attempted phishing emails in my inbox aren’t really …

: It never ceases to amaze me how many people take my clearly deranged joke microblogs, tweets and …

: Impressed that Apple has released an iPhone especially for Villarreal and Wellington Phoenix …

: Something else rotten on the Internet Every week I check the links on my other website. And every single week a handful are broken and …

: Attempting to copy 3.7 TB of data over Wi-Fi because I optimistically assumed Wi-Fi 6e could handle …

: We survived Auckland’s atmospheric river and Cyclone Gabrielle, only to be flooded by a …

: Couriers.... I used to think those “we have delivered your package” emails and texts from online retailers were a …

: I guess most people living in New Zealand’s North Island now have a much better understanding …

: I haven’t needed to look at the Contacts app on my iPhone for ages. Did just now and it seems …

: Put my AI-generated Studio Ghibli “working and studying from home” artwork as the main …

: I write most of my news stories, features and blog posts using Markdown. If it is a paid job, I …

: It looks like Cyclone Gabrielle is stopping for coffee at Great Barrier Island.

: My great grandmother, who was around until I was a teenager, believed sending rockets into space …

: My great grandmother, who was around until I was a teenager, believed sending rockets into space …

: Absolutely love it that Safari offers Yahoo as a search engine option. Surely Apple is having a joke …

: I left the UK 35 years ago to live in New Zealand and still get the occasional urge to have mushy …

: The cyclone forming north of New Zealand is starting to look chewy. …

: The new Micro Blog Mastodon hook up is welcome and I’m definitely going to use it but I think I’ll …

: Read a post online where someone talks about “your favourite programming languages”. …

: My brain has been so conditioned by years of watching sport that when I see or hear the name …

: Love how when I write a news story on my one-person site, Bing sees it as news. Dislike …

: Published the full text of my latest newsletter on Linkedin and Medium to test whether they can …

: Dislike free apps that tell you there are in-app purchases, but don ’t reveal what the …

: Found a few more entries for my New Zealand media on Mastodon directory. It still looks light. Know …

: It never fails to get me that in some cultures a chicken omelette is known as “mother and child …

: Is there a pot of gold at the end of the spectrum or does it only apply to rainbows?

: Last night I watched the Tom Hanks movie Greyhound on Apple TV. It was about a WW2 destroyer …

: Five headlines in my morning newsfeed about “game changers” please dream up some new cliches, this …

: Auckland has potential problems with drinking water at exactly the same time brewers are struggling …

: For me Mastodon failed its first big test As anyone in New Zealand knows, Auckland had a serious rain storm yesterday. Two people died, two …

: Every single phone notification is turned off, although messages from familiy members (and two …

: I’m back on the NZ Tech Podcast with Paul Spain discussing technology news with a New Zealand …

: Tapbots' unpalatable Ivory Much as I like the idea of the new Tapbots Ivory app for Mastoden, selling it as a subscription, not …

: Now that I’m learning how to make better use of NetNewsWire, I’m feeding the important …

: It took me a while, well years actually, to cotton-on to using @netnewswire with iCloud, but boy …

: Over at my other site is a long-term (after two months) review of the 2022 iPad. Apple’s …

: Following Twitter without the Twitter app or website Twitter has changed, and not for the better. Killing the links to third-party apps was terrible for …

: I love how when I start typing the names of UK newspaper websites my browser defaults direct to the …

: Relieved more than anything that Chelsea managed to beat Crystal Palace. Although the performance …

: Interesting that tags the game the entire world outside of North America calls football …

: Twitter disconnects third-party apps It looks like Twitter has disconnected the third-party clients that we use to help us manage the …

: The year of the personal website Mattias Ott: “So how about we make 2023 the year of the personal website? The year in which we …

: Posted a massive update to my Guide to writing on an iPad -… It …

: Since Christmas Auckland has had two types of weather: Sticky humidity or unseasonably cold.

: Going by the marketing and publicity I’ve seen so far, Tesla designed the Cybertruck for …

: Pakistan one day international cricket matches are cruelly timed for New Zealand fans. They start at …

: I’m looking for a device that I can stick in an old fashioned audio jack that will transmit …

: Haven’t seen anything even remotely interesting in the press releases coming from CES. But …

: As a rule, if a product or service in New Zealand advertises itself as ‘premier’, it …

: American politics I’m not going to pretend I understand how American politics works. The structural things are …

: I don’t believe I am the only person who thinks of cryptosporidium when I see headlines about …

: Wonder why so many people on Mastodon refer to Twitter as “the bird site”. Feels like …

: Sometimes I think television drama is far too obsessed with murder mysteries. What about other …

: Online shopping When I buy something online, anything, and within days I’m pestered by needy requests for me …

: I wonder where people find the energy to be bigoted.

: It’s that time of the year when I have no idea what day of the week it is. This might seem …

: Very early days, but here is the first version of my New Zealand media on Mastodon directory. …

: Lifting my IndiWeb game I’m looking to lift my IndieWeb game. This site links to Mastodon (and from there …

: I’m not going to pretend I have a clue how to use or read Google Analytics. I used it years …

: Blue-sky thinking: Air NZ’s push to become the world’s leading digital airline …

: Deloitte Top 200 Awards: Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Researching, interviewing and writing this story on New Zealand’s Deloitte Top 200 Diversity …

: Here’s a story I wrote for yesterday’s NZ Herald: Deloitte Top 200: Young Executive of …

: It is a truth universally acknowledged that ever house interior I seen on Zoom or in a casual photo …

: I’m still in two minds about Mastodon and Twitter. Mastodon has some friendly banter, but is …

: My weekly NZ telecommunications newsletter is out:… “The …

: Even Brazil’s second team is exciting to watch in a World Cup game. ⚽️

: I wonder if Finland’s PM Sanna Marin has to put up with this sexist nonsense in Europe?

: If you’ve had it with Twitter and don’t warm to Mastodon, could be the …

: Infrastructure: How Spark is moving NZ forward with 5G and fibre rollouts …

: Linkedin madness Six years ago I quit using Linkedin and closed my account. I explain why in a blogpost. My work as a …

: [](… World Cup 2022: England, Wales and …

: You know how on Star Trek, there are matter transporter machines that can “beam me up …

: When the news broke about lowering the NZ voting age to 16, my immediate, knee-jerk reaction was: …

: I moved from England to New Zealand in 1987 with my wife. At first it was going to be a temporary …

: Farewell WordPress It’s time to move on from WordPress. Because I’m not a developer, I now find the PHP …

: Some people have already left Twitter. Others are watching and waiting. I’m not jumping yet, …

: How long before Microsoft buys Meta?

: As a useful rule of thumb, any film that has “Christmas” or “Love” in the …

: Impressed at how many people on social media are experts on Brazilian politics. I could be the only …

: A major MacOS update is a fabulous opportunity for work procrastination.

: For the last four years we bought tons of chocolates in case kids came to the house on Halloween. …

: Congratulations to the Pīwauwau New Zealand’s bird of the year for 2022. Such a pretty bird. …

: Got up extra early on a wet Monday morning because there’s a heavy workload this week. Clicked …

: Companies who sell packets of peanuts could charge fancy restuarant prices if they presented them as …

: I’ve never understood why TV and radio news bulletins include reports on individual share …

: A man’s reach Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for? — Robert …

: I like the fact that doesn’t have likes.

: Narcissistic capitals Companies and insecure people often insist their job titles should be spelt …

: Predicting the future “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Peter Drucker

: Exclamation marks: Caution! Exclamation marks, some people call them bangs, have almost no place in serious writing. Tabloids …

: Engines of War “I will ignore all ideas for new works and engines of war, the invention of which has reached …

: Companies are singular not plural A company can have many employees. Yet in law and in grammar it is a single entity. Use singular …

: Cold comfort The life of the journalist is poor, nasty, brutish and short. So is his style. – Stella …

: Can you start a sentence with And? At school we were taught never to start sentences with “And”. And …

: Orwell on language Everyone who thinks at all has noticed that our language is practically useless …

: Does spelling still matter? Erin Brenner at the Writing Resource asks in a blog post: “Does spelling …

: David Ogilvy: How to write “Never use jargon words like reconceptualize, demassification, …

: The verb of attribution Earlier I wrote that most of the time you should use said when reporting …

: First, second, third Remember when list posts were all the rage? There’s nothing wrong with writing …

: Among and Amongst Modern newspaper style books tell journalists to use among, not amongst. Unlike …

: In defence of clear, crisp communications From the Rut – a site well worth investigating.

: You can tell from my review that I liked the Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 2. …

: Hartman’s Law of Prescriptivist Retaliation I found this online years ago. The original site is lost forever. Hartman’s Law of Prescriptivist …

: Going by last night’s game, it’s only a matter of time before Ireland beats New Zealand in the …

: I’m sure every freelance or contractor has reliable, predictable clients who are easy to deal with. …

: It's best to use said when reporting someone's words When reporting someone’s words, it’s best to use said in most cases. Newspaper and other …

: I always file my bi-monthly GST return and personal income taxes on time, but because my registered …

: On the whole the move from using Gmail for my own domain email address to using iCloud Mail has gone …

: Google News can be frustrating to deal with. Because I run a one-person site, news stories on my …

: PimEyes, Chorus fast fibre, fake photos, telecoms merger On Thursday I was on RNZ’s Nine-to-Noon programme talking about technology. …

: I don’t want to be a person who tells a call centre worker I’ll move my account if I don’t get …

: So it turns out the Google Docs file I spent a day working on and thought was lost was stored in a …

: Today I filed my GST and paid the largest amount of tax since before Covid, which, if you stop to …

: Apple’s voice recognition struggles with my accent. I’m a pom who has lived in New …

: From earlier this morning: Breakfast of champions at Daily Bread, Auckland.

: DIgital subscriptions that autorenew claim to be ‘convienent’ for customers. Yeah right. …

: Was hoping 2022 would be the year I could get away with not renewing the Microsoft Office …

: Zoom works first time every time when I’m invited to a video conference meeting. Microsoft …

: Project for when I don’t have a work backlog to deal with: change my email signature to point …

: It used to be a struggle getting coffee after 3pm in New Zealand. Since Covid, the cut-off time at …

: This came today: 15 years with WordPress.

: Noticed that my iPhone turned off WiFi Calling during this week’s software update. …

: ⚽️This could be one of those English Premier League seasons where one of the clubs that will be …

: One curious, unexpected side effect of Covid: not wanting to drink alcohol. I’m not a huge …

: I switched to iCloud mail hosting because I can use my domain name. On the whole everything works …

: Sometimes the best computer is a tablet. My NZBusiness column.…

: Yeserday I was thinking “I haven’t had post-Covod brain fog for days now, perhaps it has …

: Those ‘crypto fraud’ news stories are not going away. …

: Electric seagliders sound cool. Probably not great for the choppy waters around New Zealand though. …

: I’d be interested to know if there has been any research to find out if cruise ships actually …

: Love @netnewswire, it’s great on Mac, iPad and iPhone. by far the best way to deal with feeds. …

: A test post to see if Microblog is cross-posting to Twitter. It wasn’t earlier.

: Although I was technically over Covid ten days ago, this is the first day that I feel normal again. …

: Had to print a document for the first time in at least a year. Amazing how awkward this feels in …

: Mid Century Modernity In my view what @ayjay calls “mid-century modernity” has a lot to do with the arrival of …

: Thinking about the English Premier League relegation tussle. Everton and Leeds play more attractive …

: Is there a pratical alternative to Mail Chimp…. perhaps something a little more in tune with …

: The Download Weekly - latest edition of my newsletter covering New Zealand telecommunications …

: It took an hour and 15 minutes for the Two Factor Authenication code to arrive from Mail Chimp to my …

: I’ve yet to figure out how and why stories I post on my WordPress site are linked to in my …

: My weekly New Zealand telecommunications newsletter resumes after an Easter (and Covid) break. …

: Making a case for renaming The Peter Principle as The Dick Principle. …

: Moving mail from G-Suite to iCloud At the start of the year Google gave notice that the grandfathered G-suite accounts that let people …

: In memoriam Twitter So. Farewell Then Twitter. Social networking and micro-blogging service. Whatever that’s supposed to …

: The fact that more than 5 million WordPress users have installed a plug-in to workaround the woeful …

: I stumbled over this story scraped from my site years ago This is a story of mine that was syndicated on Scoop. Scraped by someone who then changed a few …

: Updated post about Wi-Fi 6 on my website: “Upgrading your home …

: On reflection, “an infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewriters” sums …

: I would prefer it if my iMac warned me the mouse battery was flat before it got as low as 2%. …

: Project Auckland: All you need is . . . love Here’s a feature I wrote for the NZ Herald about …

: Exciting. My copy of the ITP book has arrived. I wrote the chapter on New Zealand …

: I’m on my third or fourth day of having a really mild dose of Covid. Clearly the vaccine has helped …

: This is interesting. I found as a journalist I need to be more thorough in my preparation and write …

: One thing I will miss if Twitter crashes and burns is all the helpful expert advice and knowledge …

: Wrote this for the Network for Learning blog. Let’s tackle cyber crime together - N4L

: I think I’ve done this before, but can anyone remind me how to get this working? From …

: In the Beginning was the Website… “Even if the entire IndieWeb consisted of a single personal …

: Syndication Links now supports per-post syndication to from WordPress …

: reports that “… does not link back”. Is that normal? If …

: What happened to tagging? We did… I used tags a lot back when they were hot. I still use them …

: I’m interested to know how I can use the WordPress Indyweb Post Kinds Like option (Plugin by …

: Microsoft dabbling with Android devices…. I can’t decide if this is a stroke of genius or a …

: Spark marks Te Reo Māori week with Kupu update Spark has updated its free Kupu Te Reo Māori mobile app and included a version for desktop computers …

: So Westpac gave me a new credit card after a security scare. No problem. Until today. My domain …

: ‪Found a web site that blatantly scraps my site and publishes my stories under its own bylines …

: It may be in bad taste to say this now, but when Queen Elizabeth departs, we should replace the …

: When I was a child in the UK, a TV advert would tell me: “A million housewives every day would pick …

: KDC’s attempt to buy an election and some of his antics around that time flopped badly, it came out …

: Dotcom hasn’t been treated well by New Zealand. That said, there is (or was) a case to answer. …

: I no longer need to keep an objective distance about Kim Dotcom. Sure he is dodgy, but despite the …

: I wonder if the NZ Herald paywall has had any impact on the NBR? Anyone know? It’s probably …

: a Huawei thought Navigating the Huawei story is one of the toughest jobs in technology journalism at the moment. …

: ‪Amazed that those people who constantly talk about the power of “market forces” can’t draw a …

: Orcon first to trial residential 10Gbps broadband I’m impressed. Orcon makes a fetish of being …

: 12 years with WordPress. I started about the time of the first iPhone.

: Last night I was thinking: “Why didn’t Samsung’s DeX pad do better". On paper it looks …

: That moment when you wonder “do I have a cold coming on?” Then check there’s at least one lemon and …

: One of my biggest frustrations with the iPad, and a reason I can’t drop using a tradition computer …

: Pile on. Microsoft removes Huawei’s MateBook X Pro from its online store, stays silent on …

: Facebook and Google pressured EU experts to soften fake news regulations, say insiders - …

: The Most Expensive Lesson Of My Life: Details of SIM port hack He lost US$100 grand in …

: Any other New Zealand folk on

: Is anyone out there working on ways to integrate this into a WordPress site? …

: Also, I like the idea of bringing back webrings. Researching that will keep me out of mischief this …

: Matthias Ott just reminded me to check the microformat stuff was working on my …

: Hey @vincent, I can see plenty of stuff about developing Glueon and it being cross platform, but I …

: ‪I can do about 95 to 97 percent of the things I need to do on my iPad Pro, the main problem …

: The term “content” is a barbarism that bit by bit devalues what journalists do. Jay Rosen, Chair of …

: Is there a semiologist out there? I’m interested to know why the poo emoji is smiling.

: Netflix is the ultimate embodiment of Bruce Springsteen’s “57 Channels and Nothing on”.

: May not be wise if the reports of screen breaks on review machines extend to the production run.

: Huawei P30 Pro review update Added this postscript to my Huawei P30 Pro review.… When I …

: “You may wonder if there’s a market for a 7.9-inch iPad when you can buy a 6.5-inch iPhone.” Well …

: Started working on a review of the Audiofly AF56W wireless headphones. One of the points I was …

: Stuff makes a spat over development sound like an assault.

: Agree. Also, the headline does that clever “show not tell” thing…. ‘APPL STILL HASN’T …

: So, to clarify, the only part of Apple’s announcement that matters for New Zealand is the …

: A view from someone who isn’t a gamer but knows how the tech business works: Apple Arcade …

: Was interviewed on NewstalkZB about Apple TV Channels and TV Plus. Short version: Nice to have more …

: A day trip to China is hard yakka. The PM had better not be flying economy. PM Ardern to visit China …

: True story about growing up in England When I was six or seven I loved comics. A character in The Dandy or The Beano once said: “That …

: Asking clients or citizens to contact you via Facebook isn’t quite on a par with asking them to …

: 100 Proofs that the Earth is a Globe Number 5: Horizon dip angle …

: Benchmark pegs Apple’s new iPad Air or iPad mini at 2.49GHz with 3GB of RAM …

: This is one to watch. Will be fascinating. Sprint Takes Out Full Page NYT Ad Calling Out AT&T …

: Should have commented on this at the time. Chorus unbundled fibre design | Techblog by @bcarmody, …

: I must remember to use more often…

: I’m in two minds about banning Michael Jackson’s music. Many accepted artists are as despicable. I’m …

: For a long time I wasn’t impressed with the @WordPress iOS app. It has many limitations and is near …

: I have a as well as my website:…


: In my haste to publish, I hit the send button without proofing the headline The threat to Huawei’s …

: <<Bill Bennett>> «Listen to myRNZ Nine-to-Noon segment online. This week I look at Apple

: My segment on RNZ Nine-to-Noon programme yesterday.… For non-NZ …

: New Zealand Just Found Out It Has Fewer People Than Thought - Bloomberg

: When I first came to New Zealand from London I was invited to a cocktail party. Following my …

: “It’s not a direct comparison, but is some ways Huawei is the Apple of China’s eye.” …


: So that’s how stylish Italian fashion icons wear reading glasses when not reading

: This will be a cracker… Chelsea draw Manchester United in FA Cup fifth …

: A true story. It isn’t recent, but it did happen. Client: You didn’t follow the brief. …

: Love this headline:…

: A mere flea bite to Google French data protection watchdog fines Google $57 million under the GDPR - …

: I like the idea of science projects that won’t show results until after we are dead…. …

: Mourinho is annoying, but speaks the truth here. José Mourinho bemoans lack of …

: Things haven’t been right since Costa left. He was precisely the right striker to match the rest of …

: America has its own antisocial traveller story… Wanted: The ‘Traveling Bandit,’ a Bank Robber …

: Was asked for help doing something on a Windows computer and realised all over again why I no longer …

: A wonderful story about The Buzzcocks and the late Pete Shelly. I was there for some of this. …

: I always wanted an ARP, but couldn’t afford them when I was still playing in bands. Alan R. …

: Of course it would be best if this wasn’t necessary. Apple launches Smart Battery Case for iPhone …

: “Hundreds” of layoffs coming at Vodafone. That would be, what, 10 or more percent of the workforce? …

: Instagram is not your friend or a safe replacement for Facebook. Instagram caught selling ads to …

: Here we go… Astronomers discover 13 new fast radio bursts from deep space

: What good idea. When I lived in Birkenhead I commuted almost every day by ferry, it was so much …

: Call me cynical if you like, but this Taipan wireless router is sporting the tech-sector’s …

: If you mean “falling house prices” why not say “falling house prices”? …

: Happy Christmas the (broadband price) war is over.…

: It’s the UK, but good news all the same Independent bookshops grow for second …

: Found my journalist notebooks from 1998-99. Was given a huge amount of Y2K propaganda by enterprise …

: Record number of Britons seeking Irish passports ahead of Brexit

: Measuring the Filter Bubble: How Google is influencing what you click

: Mark Zuckerberg did everything in his power to avoid Facebook becoming the next MySpace – but forgot …

: More movement away from Facebook

: Facebook’s Clear History privacy feature is still months from launching - Recode

: ‘For me, this is paradise’: life in the Spanish city that banned …

: Found out about this a few weeks back when researching a possible holiday, my first in almost a …

: Good question. What Happened to the iPad Split Keyboard? — MacSparky

: Blimey. Manchester City lose again as Ricardo Pereira hits shock winner for …

: That’s me done with buying anything from Japan or Japanese companies. Which admittedly isn’t a lot …

: Counting down the minutes until a UK tabloid uses the term “Norwegian Wood” or maybe ‘would’ in a …

: 10 million words I’m a journalist. Writing for newspapers and magazines has been my main job for almost 40 years. For …

: Interesting review of second generation Apple Pencil. My only issue is that a) I don’t use it …

: A scheme by Auckland Airport is helping local people into work. Which is important as it sits next …

: Can I adjust the text size on the iOS app?

: WordPress Gutenberg is an ok idea, but it breaks my workflow. I can no longer easily extract the raw …

: Odd photo of my new MacBook Air taken at random turns up on my iPad. Wonder if I can pass it off as …

: I’m taking a fresh look at microblogging. I’m interested to know how people who have both a …

: My 2018 12.9 inch iPad Pro is my main mobile computer. I use it for all my work and had though of …

: I’ve tried to talk to people about the Indieweb idea, but their eyes glaze over as they reach …